2. 3i Group 1945
3. 3wVentures 1
5. 500 Startups 2010
7. ABB 5
9. Acumen 4
10. AdvantEdge 2015
12. Aescap Venture 2005
13. Aisling Capital 2000
15. Allianz 1890
16. Alpana Ventures 2016
17. Altran 1982
19. Andera Partners 1953
21. Arbevel
23. Atlas Venture 1980
26. Barclays 1900
28. BaseLaunch 2017
31. BioMedPartners 2003
35. BlackRock 0
36. Blackstone Group 1985
38. BNP Paribas 1966
41. Bpifrance 0
44. BVGroup 1997
45. CADFEM 1
49. CARB-X
51. CDC Enterprises 1994
52. Cochlear 1
53. Commerzbank 1870
56. Cowen Group 1918
58. Credit Suisse 1900
60. Deloitte 1845
64. EASME 2014
66. Eclosion SA 2001
74. Eurostars 1985
75. EVA Basel 1996
82. FONGIT 1
89. Gimv 25
91. GoBeyond 1
93. Grazia Equity 1998
94. GV 2009
97. HBM Partners 2001
98. HealthCap
101. Hemex
102. Hemex AG
103. Hercules Capital 2003
107. HSBC 0
108. HS LifeSciences 2008
109. HumanCo 2019
111. Index Ventures 1996
112. INKEF Capital 2010
115. Invest-NL 2020
116. Investiere 2010
117. Invus 1985
119. Jeito Capital 2018
122. Joyance Partners 2017
124. KB Investment 1990
125. kineo finance 1
126. Lacuna 1996
131. MassChallenge 2009
133. Merck 1900
136. Morgan Stanley 1935
139. M Ventures 0
140. Neomed Management 1997
142. Neurimmune Holding 2006
145. Nobel Biocare 1981
146. NovaQuest 1982
149. Novo Holdings 0
150. OCCIDENT 2014
153. Olympus Partners 1988
155. OrbiMed 0
156. Palmarium
161. Polaris Partners 1996
163. PPF Group 1991
170. redalpine 2006
172. Roche
173. Roivant Sciences 2014
175. Schroder Adveq 1997
178. Sio Gene Therapies 2014
183. Sony 1946
185. SR One
189. Surveyor Capital 2008
194. Swisscom Ventures 2005
200. T. Rowe Price 0
204. Translink Capital 2007
206. TVM Capital 1983
207. UBS 1854
208. Ventech 1998
209. Venture Incubator 2011
210. Venture Kick 0
220. Ysios Capital 2008

«Basel Area Life Sciences Ecosystem»

  • — organisation
  • — investor and funding support bodies
  • — hubs and other organisation types

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