Rachael Frost

Dr Rachael Frost’s current areas of research interest focus upon maintaining health and quality of life in older adults, particularly those who are becoming frailer. She is interested in improving primary care-based management of these conditions and developing and evaluating interventions in this area. She is also interested in natural products research, particularly regarding ageing and mental health. She has experience in systematic reviewing, qualitative research methods and feasibility trials.
Dr Rachael Frost is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She is a co-lead on the Qualitative Research Methods in Health course and Paediatrics and Child Health Qualitative Methods course. She also lectures on the Diseases of Ageing, Frailty and Ageing and Biodiversity and Plant Medicines modules. Rachael has supervised Foundation Year trainees on research placements, Academic Clinical Fellows, MSc and BSc dissertations and is a subsidiary PhD supervisor.
Dr Rachael Frost is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She is a co-lead on the Qualitative Research Methods in Health course and Paediatrics and Child Health Qualitative Methods course. She also lectures on the Diseases of Ageing, Frailty and Ageing and Biodiversity and Plant Medicines modules. Rachael has supervised Foundation Year trainees on research placements, Academic Clinical Fellows, MSc and BSc dissertations and is a subsidiary PhD supervisor.