Zeeshan Pervez

Dr Zeeshan Pervez is a Professor at the University of the West of Scotland (UWS). He is a Senior Member of IEEE, ACM Distinguished Speaker, Member ISO and BSI working groups for FM sector, Fellow of Higher Education Academy (UK), and Full Member of EPSRC Peer Review College (UK). He has over 14 years of research and industry experience in addressing technological and societal challenges, and designing and developing enterprise-ready solutions. For his outstanding performance and success in securing substantial research funding, enterprise engagement, high-quality research outputs, and associated wider research/societal impact, he won the 2019 UWS STARS Award - Staff Appreciation & Recognition Scheme. His areas of expertise are Internet-of-Things, Cybersecurity, Applied AI/ML, Blockchain Technologies, Data Security & Privacy, and Cloud Computing. The application areas of his research are but not limited to: Industry 4.0, Smart Cities, Social Housing, Predictive Maintenance, Facilities Management, Healthcare, Data Science, and ICT4D.