Tekla Juniewicz

Date of birth: 10 June 1906
Age as on 27 August 2019: 113 years, 78 days
Tekla Juniewicz was born as Tekla Dadak, the daughter of Jan Dadak and Katarzyna of the home of Szkwyrko, on 10 June 1906 in the town of Krupsko. This town then was located in the Austria-Hungary; Mrs. Tekla was born, therefore, as the subject of Emperor Franz Joseph. In Krupsko, Mrs. Tekla spent the first years of her life, and two younger sisters, Rozalia and Katarzyna, were born there. Her father worked for Count Lanckoronski, mother took care of the house. In Przeworsk she also met her future husband, Jan Juniewicz, whom she married on 28 February 1927. Her husband died in 1980 at the age of 96. Mrs. Tekla lived alone until she was 103 years old. On 22 April 2018, Tekla Juniewicz broke the national record of longevity in Poland, which belonged to Wanda Wierzchleyska of Warsaw (1900-2012), also from the Lviv region. On 10 June 2018, Tekla Juniewicz turned 112, becoming the first person in the history of Poland to have achieved this milestone. On 10 June 2019, Tekla Juniewicz turned 113. On this occasion, she received a congratulory letter from Prime Minister of Poland. One day later, she surpassed the age of Astrid Zachrison, becoming the oldest person to have ever lived in the Baltic Sea region.
Age as on 27 August 2019: 113 years, 78 days
Tekla Juniewicz was born as Tekla Dadak, the daughter of Jan Dadak and Katarzyna of the home of Szkwyrko, on 10 June 1906 in the town of Krupsko. This town then was located in the Austria-Hungary; Mrs. Tekla was born, therefore, as the subject of Emperor Franz Joseph. In Krupsko, Mrs. Tekla spent the first years of her life, and two younger sisters, Rozalia and Katarzyna, were born there. Her father worked for Count Lanckoronski, mother took care of the house. In Przeworsk she also met her future husband, Jan Juniewicz, whom she married on 28 February 1927. Her husband died in 1980 at the age of 96. Mrs. Tekla lived alone until she was 103 years old. On 22 April 2018, Tekla Juniewicz broke the national record of longevity in Poland, which belonged to Wanda Wierzchleyska of Warsaw (1900-2012), also from the Lviv region. On 10 June 2018, Tekla Juniewicz turned 112, becoming the first person in the history of Poland to have achieved this milestone. On 10 June 2019, Tekla Juniewicz turned 113. On this occasion, she received a congratulory letter from Prime Minister of Poland. One day later, she surpassed the age of Astrid Zachrison, becoming the oldest person to have ever lived in the Baltic Sea region.