Voncile Drye

Date of birth: 24 April 1907
Age as of 27 August 2019: 112 years, 125 days
Voncile Althena Drye is an American supercentenarian whose age is currently unvalidated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG). She is one of the oldest known living people in Florida, USA.
Voncile Drye was born in Okaloosa, Florida, USA, on 24 April 1907. Her parents were William and Missie Drye. She was the eldest of the couple’s eight children. In the 1940s, she moved to Tampa, Florida. She worked in Morrison’s Cafeteria and Jack Pendola’s Men’s Apparel until her retirement. Voncile had a son who passed away in 2007. Until 2013, she lived in her own home and did yard work often. In 2013, she moved into an assisted living facility. As of her 110th birthday, she has six grandchildren. She can still walk, albeit with the aid of a walking frame. Voncile is affectionately known as “Mother Drye”.
Age as of 27 August 2019: 112 years, 125 days
Voncile Althena Drye is an American supercentenarian whose age is currently unvalidated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG). She is one of the oldest known living people in Florida, USA.
Voncile Drye was born in Okaloosa, Florida, USA, on 24 April 1907. Her parents were William and Missie Drye. She was the eldest of the couple’s eight children. In the 1940s, she moved to Tampa, Florida. She worked in Morrison’s Cafeteria and Jack Pendola’s Men’s Apparel until her retirement. Voncile had a son who passed away in 2007. Until 2013, she lived in her own home and did yard work often. In 2013, she moved into an assisted living facility. As of her 110th birthday, she has six grandchildren. She can still walk, albeit with the aid of a walking frame. Voncile is affectionately known as “Mother Drye”.