BioID Company

BioID is the cloud biometrics company. They make strong, convenient, privacy-assured face and voice recognition available to everyone, on any device, anytime, anywhere so people can be protected in the cyber world and forget about passwords! Every one of us has struggled to deal with overwhelming passwords, and at the same time they are all personally concerned about the risk of identity theft and care deeply about protecting their privacy. Given such a dilemma, they decided to build a recognition platform to free us from these nightmares for a better digital life. Two common myths often circulate in IT security communities: - The security / convenience trade-off: to be more secure, a system must necessarily be more difficult to use, and likewise, if you try to make it easier to use, you sacrifice security. Using biometrics means sacrificing privacy. - However, they simply disprove these myths by delivering user recognition that is both secure and easy to use, while protecting user privacy. Guided by the vision that anonymous biometric recognition empowers internet users to secure their online identities with privacy, BioID offers a reliable link between a real person and digital identities by verifying the user's presence in a convenient and natural way - just the way they look and/or the way they sound. The company's technology has been proven through many years of use in enterprises, banks and government organizations.
Computer Vision
Image & Face Recognition
Sachseln, Obwalden, Switzerland
Employees Number:
Estimated Revenue:
$10M to $50M
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