Naheed Kurji Investors

Naheed Kurji is the President and CEO of Cyclica, a Toronto-based biotechnology company that leverages artificial intelligence and computational biophysics to reshape the drug discovery process. Cyclica provides the pharmaceutical industry with an integrated, holistic, and end-to-end enabling platform that enhances how scientists design, screen, and personalize medicines for patients, and has recently been named by Deep Knowledge Analytics as one of the top 20 AI in Pharma companies globally. Naheed is passionate about how people interact with technology to make more informed and faster decisions, and is dedicated to advancing the responsible application of AI to healthcare problems. At Cyclica, he focuses on strategy and corporate development activities to affect change in the pharmaceutical industry, and strives to foster an environment where his team can solve the biggest challenges in human health through groundbreaking innovation. Naheed is a co-founder of The Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (AAIH), of which Naheed is 1 of 4 appointed Executive Officers. Naheed is an experienced professional specialized in strategic planning, corporate finance and entrepreneurship, having received an MBA from the University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management, and a Certificate from MIT on Artificial Intelligence and the Implication on Business Strategy. He has been featured in the Globe and Mail, CBC, Forbes, Vanity Fair, StartUp Health Magazine, WuXi Insider Perspective, and VentureBeat. Naheed is also a guest lecturer at various universities globally on the topic of entrepreneurship and AI in medicine.