EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Distributed Algorithms AI Hubs

Centres for Doctoral Training (CDT) are one of the main ways through which UK Research and Innovation provide support for doctoral training. EPSRC is the principle UK government agency investing more than £800million a year. EPSRC-funded CDTs bring together diverse areas of expertise to train engineers and scientists in "areas of national need". The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Distributed Algorithms (DA CDT) will train a cohort of 60 students. The Centre will equip students to have the skills and experience to enables them to become leaders in Distributed Algorithms. The DA CDT will empower the next leaders of data science, giving them the skills and experience needed to solve pressing industrial problems by co-defining “where” and “how” future algorithms will be distributed across tomorrow's hardware. By fulfilling this critical training need, the DA CDT will enable the UK to take the lead in Distributed Algorithms.