Heirlume company
Navigating the trademark search and registration process can be daunting and onerous for business owners and entrepreneurs. Heirlume is the first self-serve online trademark search and registration platform that integrates sophisticated legal thinking with technology. We make the complex trademark search and registration process fast, accurate, trusted and affordable for entrepreneurs and enterprise/e-com partners. Our search tool instantly runs the country-specific legal tests (i.e., “likelihood of confusion”) and performs lawyer analysis. Intelligent search algorithms provide an at-a-glance opinion of registerability (conflicts, descriptiveness, obscenity), displayed in simple visuals. Distilling the multiple data sets involved with drafting a trademark application requires time-consuming legal analysis. Our machine learning auto-suggest trademark application builder performs the lawyer work and removes room for error. While our first go to market strategy will target SME individual users, we see huge potential in expanding our market reach through key B2B partnerships as an upsell/add-on to a domain purchase (GoDaddy), or store set-up (Shopify or Amazon). Ultimately, we believe we can make trademark registration quick, easy and affordable, similar to the experience of registering a domain.
P4 Medicine
Artificial Intelligence, Data and Analytics, Professional Services, Science and Engineering, Software
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Series A
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