Scope Fluidics SA company

Scope Fluidics develops innovative projects in the field of diagnostics and health care. Scope Fluidics was established in 2010 in the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences with the aim of creating solutions for medicine based on microfluidic technologies. The company cooperates with the academia, and integrates the points of view of medicine and business to develop innovative solutions with a high market potential. Since 2017, Scope Fluidics S.A. has been listed on the NewConnect market. The company's business model provides for the development and business verification of a project, followed by the establishment of a special purpose vehicle within which the entire project is developed. Currently, the Scope Fluidics Group consists of two SPVs: Curiosity Diagnostics Sp. z o.o. and Bacteromic Sp. z o.o., established in order to develop their respective projects. The organisation as a whole creates an energetic, stimulating environment in which social needs and specific market requirements are satisfied with effective solutions. The source of these innovative ideas is the cooperation of physicians, medical personnel, project managers, engineers and scientists.
P4 Medicine
Biotechnology, Health Care, Science and Engineering
Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland
Funding Status:
Register and Claim Ownership