Axinesis Company

Axinesis is a spin-off from the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL, Belgium), which carries a clear mission: to improve the functional recovery of patients through innovative and accessible technologies dedicated to the rehabilitation of the upper limbs of patients suffering from stroke or children with cerebral palsy. Axinesis is a healthcare company whose mission is to democratize the access to innovative medical technologies for the benefit of patients, practitioners and healthcare institutions. Thanks to their latest-generation rehabilitation robot, REAplan, their ambition is to be able to accompany the rehabilitation of the upper limbs of brain-damaged patients, very early in their management, for their greatest benefit, by maximizing the phenomenon of cerebral plasticity. Their vision is to contribute to a better performance of healthcare systems, by allowing as many patients and centers as possible to benefit from a system which offers an investment/patient-benefit ratio very adapted to the economic constraints of the rehabilitation services, and by allowing an optimization of practitioners’ time and a more efficient allocation of the budgets and of the time dedicated to patients.
Technology: AgeTech
Industry: Hardware, Health Care, Science and Engineering, Software
Headquarters: Wavre, Brabant Wallon, Belgium
Founded Date: 2015-01-01
Employees Number: 1-10

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