ReplyAll Health Company

Imagine how much it turns our world upside down when we’ve received a major diagnosis like cancer, COVID, diabetes, COPD, a heart attack, or have had an accidental injury. There is often no time to digest what has happened and grieve for the loss of the old normal. Beyond that, a patient and their support group now must become expert project managers and level-up on their medical knowledge. If you’ve been in this situation or supported someone who is, you know it’s completely overwhelming. Friends and family are concerned, and feel bad about the interruptions it causes when they reach out to ask for help. Some friends and family simply stop reaching out, not knowing what to say or do. All of them care, and know that their loved one can’t have 75 conversations a day while during normal times, much less with the additional burden of recovery. That’s why we created ReplyAll Health. We have experienced major health issues like cancer and COVID. We were desperate to keep our community updated and wanted to be sure they could stay informed without creating an extra burden. One message: Unlimited recipients Even “technophobes” love ReplyAll. It’s as simple as sending one text. One text that goes to whoever wants to receive it, for as long as they want to receive it. Whether you have a small circle, or a village. No matter if they’re on Android or Apple. No matter if they’re a PhD in Computer Science or don’t know how to find a web browser. No log-ins. No sign-ups. No passwords. Nothing except one text number and one text message.
AI for Longevity
Austin, Texas, United States
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