Louisiana USA States
State: Louisiana
Region: South
Life Expectancy: 17.9
HALE: 12
HALE Gap (Difference between HALE and LE): 5.9
(HALE/LE) for persons aged 65 years: 0.671
Health expenditures: 10515
Benchmark: 45.0747311609788
Population Estimate: 4616106
Region: South
Life Expectancy: 17.9
HALE: 12
HALE Gap (Difference between HALE and LE): 5.9
(HALE/LE) for persons aged 65 years: 0.671
Health expenditures: 10515
Benchmark: 45.0747311609788
Population Estimate: 4616106
B2B Service
Westlake, Ohio, United States
Founded Date:
Employees Number:
Estimated Revenue:
$100M to $500M
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